Boyfriend or girlfriend in dating lingo crossword clue

Match The Dating Time To The Couple

Who is leaving liquor at the bottom of their glass after drinking, dating what is wrong with them? This puzzle was too straightforward for my tastes.

Then the gratuitous and mildly irrelevant circled-letter MA. It's not like getting an "M" or an "A" girlfriend those places would've been tough. Grid is professional-grade—Ian click the following article married, btw—congratulations knows what he's boyfriend.

But just ho-hum for me. Neither had wife. Real outlier in this puzzle. But a fine word to know, I suppose. My favorite part of solving this which I did on paper, as I now have a strict "no electronics" sabbath from Sat. Felled by hubris! It's kind of fun on a Monday, when the stakes are ankle-high at best. Off to contribute to my on-line reading group's discussion of "Moby-Dick" 22D: Fictional captain who said "Thou damned whale! See you tomorrow.

Understanding Today's Crossword Puzzle

Save And Share :. I girlfriend Monday crosswords should emphasize familiarity over exotic letters. I'm "shocked", "horrified", and "rendered speechless". You might say "consternated" - even "terror-struck". I'm "totally shaken" by this. Even, dare I say, "appalled". Easy-medium for me. Very nice Mon. I guess my expectations are lower than Rex's on Mon. I'm just looking for smooth and easy enough for my granddaughter to do with a bit of help from google.

This one is just fine.

Crossword Clue & Synonyms: BOYFRIEND

And, speaking of apostrophes, I just clue a puzzle in a Peter Gordon book where the theme involved putting them in appropriate squares. Fine puzzle Ian! OLE Livengood! I was closing in on, but barely missed, a dating minute Monday. Just no challenge, even by Monday standards. The early reports at the NYT site seem to bear this out. I know Boston reasonably well, but I don't think that mattered. No Bostonian subtleties here. Thanks, Mr. Interestingly enough, THE T -- what they call the local train system in Boston -- has never appeared as an answer in the Times puzzle.

It's so short I might have expected it to show up at least once. I wasn't crazy about the theme itself but the fill is very well done. That entry in June was at 1-Across, today's is at 1-Down. I don't think of it as crosswordese. Any reason in particular why you don't source it?

I've learned from doing these puzzles that the NYT will never hesitate to use a high Scrabble-point letter when they can easily replace a lower craigslist hookups like at the top-right corner.

Had this puppy done before my second sip of my P. Jon "the newbie" came in as a very close second. Got a little excited when I saw Ian Livengood as the constructor, I love his puzzles, this one was a little too Monday easy. That's a good thing for our beginning puzzle nuts. Thanks Ian! Where is our Sparky, I miss her and her adorable avatar. Baseball is not played in an arena. It is played in a park. At least it could have been clued "Ballfield" I do remember the lack of street signs other than the ones that said One Way.

Wrote my honors english paper on Iconoclasm and 18th century American Lit. AHAB as you may imagine figured prominently. I could not write fast enough for this one… or I should say type as the paper version has yet to arrive. Yet an oddly pleasant outing. Pretty good Monday, I'd say. And the fill was darn good. Karl: you may need to be looser with your dictionary definitions. Also, "ballfield" would have made the clue much easier - maybe too easy in the editor's opinion.

Easy Monday. Great fill. Straightforward theme. Wonder if this was created after the bombing in April? Maybe it would have been more meaningful if it was held to run next Patriot's Day. Thanks for the explanation Anon Reflects crossword sense of urgency associated with his ride.

Have you seen the cell phone commercial with Paul Revere - not sure which company, but funny.

BOYFRIEND Crossword Clue

For the Imaginative Ones: Could there be a clue use of a single circle in a puzzle, or has it already crossword done? I thought it was easy, smooth and dull. Perfectly fine Monday for me. Fastest Monday ever, at I know that's pretty slow for many here, but hey, I'll own it. But obviously the crosses boyfriend care of everything. I also love a scrabbly feel on an easy day. Rob C. I also wondered if this had been written post- marathon and was meant as a tribute of sorts. How can I complain about seeing my city featured in this nice easy puzzle?

Only-- There're no beans in Boston; Plenty of fish Chinese food if that's your wish Steaks and chops are a beautiful fare But - just couldn't find any Boston beans there. Paul wrote Acts - I had to look it up after I finished to accept that it was right.

This was more straightforward than Ian's usual fare but solid and a perfect Monday level puzzle. Thanks, Ian! And congratulations on your new marriage! Very, very fast solve for me.

"Boyfriend" or "girlfriend," in dating lingo

Boston ex-pat here. Often heard it growing up there, almost as much as The Pru. I can't stand 'em and my Boston roots are always questioned when I express my distaste. They sell souvenir crocks to tourists and then there's the Beanpot Tourney in college hockey. Why do you s'pose they call it Beantown? I thought I'd have to lingo up with whatever Boston Garden is called now or Foxboro.

An easy, enjoyable puzzle for this Masshole…. Fun easy Monday. Never heard of Horse as a basket ball game My husband's favorite. Be still my heart! Glimmerglass - I am pretty sure that you can get a ST. If you miss, you get a letter.

Definition of "LABEL"

Isn't there a Boston Baked Beans candy? In elementary lingo a friend of mine was so excited that they were getting SHORTS that day at school, envisioning fancy gym uniforms. In reality it was innoculation day. Why, yes there is.