Carbon 14 is a common form of carbon which decays over time. The task requires the student to use logarithms to solve an exponential equation in the realistic context of carbon dating, important in archaeology and geology, among other places. Note that the purpose here this task carbon algebraic in nature -- closely related tasks exist which approach similar problems from numerical or graphical stances.
What is the carbon-14 dating equation?
In either case, it is more appropriate to report the time since the plant has died as approximately 19, years since these measurements are never completely precise. If we evaluate this expression on a calculator, we get a value of approximately equation, years since the plant has died.
Carbon 14 dating.
Student View. Task Carbon 14 is a common form of carbon which decays over time.
Carbon Dating Method
The half-life of Carbon 14, that is the amount of time it takes for half of the Carbon 14 to decay, is approximately years. If there is currently one microgram of Carbon 14 remaining in the preserved plant, approximately when did the plant die?
IM Commentary The task requires the student to use logarithms to solve an exponential equation in the realistic dating of carbon dating, important in archaeology and geology, among other places.
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