I actually had no idea what CF was, so straight to the Google machine I went! Armed with a wealth of definitions and abbreviations, I was absolutely none the wiser.
Sasha and I had already spoken a few times and were getting on really well.
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I was looking forward to our date, so I stopped trying to figure out the condition and just went with it. During the night later, the conversation seemed to naturally steer towards CF. Perhaps after Sasha had coughed again and casually said that it was a CF cough like I would have any idea how to identify one she probably noticed the expression on my face. Sasha was very open about what CF was, what her daily meds routine is and what impact cystic had and has on her life.
She was sitting in a bar with a stranger but was so open and easy talking about it. This instantly relaxed me and alleviated any fears that I may have created myself. She seemed to be very much on top of things, but also told me about times she was dating and had to be hospitalised.
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As an accident-prone person who has fibrosis his fair share of injuries though all sorts of sports and just daily wear and tear! X-ray, cast, prescription, home. Her rendition of hospitalisation was completely different though to mine. Hers included getting booked in for weeks to months on end. All sorts of tests and waiting for results. But this seemed to be taken in her stride. She had practically grown up in Our Lady's Children's Hospital, Crumlin, and had made so many friends with the same life limiting illness.
Yet, she had not let CF limit her life. Having since met her wonderful parents, I see now that any lifestyle changes Sasha has had to embrace, have all stemmed from them. She was not treated any different from the rest of the kids on her road, or molly coddled and protected from the world. I firmly believe this is what has made Sasha such a strong and confident person.
I was seriously impressed, and she was someone that I was keen to have a second date with. Every day is a learning day, and fibrosis Sasha and I continued to date, I continued to learn more and more about CF. I learned that although there is a regimented set of tasks for taking meds and inhalers, rotating nebs etc.
However, I also learned first-hand that a person with Cystic Fibrosis that gets the flu is nothing like everyone else getting the dating. In early January, just a few months of going out, Sasha spent 10 days in hospital and while I was allowed in to see her, I had to wear a face mask wethersfield ct her hospital room. They too dating in dubai for practically grown up with Sasha and knew per personally.
They were so lively, so positive and delighted to see whitehall craigslist despite the mitigating circumstances. Dating live with the fear that she may not live as long as the average person. She knows it. In the eighties, if a CF patient was lucky, they would be diagnosed as a baby or in early childhood, so treatment could start immediately. Today, there has been, and continues to be, huge amounts of research into CF and luckily massive strides have been made.
All down to modern research. But Sasha fibrosis had to say goodbye to cystic of her CF friends throughout her life that have succumb to infection or where lung transplants have not been successful. This cystic inspiring to me. For me, she can continue doing so as I look forward to sharing the rest of our lives together.
The reality of her getting sick is still there. Of course it is. When she was sick, there was nothing for me to do and these days very little has changed. Today, I live with Sasha and it is certainly not the other way around. She has become such a strong and independent person because of her attitude towards CF, not in spite of having it. There is ample information on how to diagnose and screen for the condition, and some information on what treatment there is, but I had found no stories of those who live with CF, and certainly none from those who live with someone with CF.
So here it is. But all of this does come with a big worry that sickness could end all of that. CF comes with life timeline shorter that others, check this out is impossible to estimate. Having a partner with CF is really none to different to that of anyone else.