Use this age gap calculator to easily calculate the number of years between two birth dates, or between two years, or between the ages of two dating.
Also computes an exact age difference in years, months, and days, as well as in number of days. The calculator can be used to compute the age difference between any two persons, given one of the following:. In case you know one person's age, click to see more another person's year of birth or date of birth, it is easy to compute the second person's age by using our online age calculator.
It is also possible to compute the year of birth given the age in years by using a time difference calculator to subtract the age from the current date. The two ages, years, or dates can be entered in any order. The result will be the age gap in terms of years. In case dates of births were provided as input, the output will also contain the age difference in terms of full months, weeks, and days, as well as an accurate chronological difference, e.
It is used so one does not need to care about getting a negative result from the formula in case the second calculator is greater than the first age.
The ages can be whole numbers or decimals, depending on the required precision. The same equation can be used with years instead of ages.
How well does the rule reflect scientific evidence for age preferences?
It can also be used to calculate the age gap exactly, to the day, if dates of birth are supplied. The date difference calculation is somewhat more difficult as it requires adjustments for leap years. For example, if you have a sibling who is 15 years old while you are 8, to find the difference between you simply subtract 8 from 15 to get 7. Another example is the age difference between two famous actors, singers, or historical figures. An age difference calculator can be used, among other things, to check how much younger or older a potential romantic partner is.
While there are no hard set rules in dating and relationships, there are some age differences largely deemed acceptable and others which might be too much for some to accept without questions. A common rule for the maximum and minimum age one is supposed to date is the so-called "rule of seven". It sets boundaries based on the age of one of the partners, and can be applied both ways. It goes as such: to define the minimum age of a partnerhalf your age and add seven.
Age Difference Calculator
To find the maximum socially acceptable age for a partnersubtract seven from your own age, then multiply it by two. Read article, the above are just general guidelines. You should use your best judgment, take into account your personal circumstances, goals, etc.
Regarding the connection between one's age, gender, and attractiveness, there range some scientific research available as well, and it goes somewhat against the rule of seven. Ina team of Dutch social psychologists from the University of Groningen examined desired minimum and maximum ranges across different ages by means of anonymous in-person interviews.
Women of all ages preferred men around their own age, with a range of just a couple of years in each direction. For men the study came to significantly different conclusions.
Age Difference:
Men in their forties, fifties, and sixties all expressed interest in younger partners. When it came to sexual fantasies and range affairs it included women in their mid to late 20s. When it comes to marriage, the above seems to be supported by statistics from the U.
In Below is a table excerpt from the relevant U. Census data:. The table clearly shows an age gap in which men are older than their marriage partners in a nearly dating. While there are no rules set in stone, the current state of age gaps can be a valuable guide when choosing a dating partner hence why this tool can also be used as a dating age calculator.
If you'd like to cite this online calculator resource and information as provided on the page, you can use the following citation: Georgiev G. Calculators Converters Randomizers Articles Search. Age Difference Calculator Use this age gap calculator to easily calculate the number of years between two birth age, or between two years, or between the ages of two persons. Calculate age difference by.
Years of birth. Dates of birth. Age 1. Age 2. Year of birth 1. Year of birth 2. Date of birth 1. Date of birth 2. Calculate calculator. Share calculator:.
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