Dating artinya


Ellen: So, both of you met when you were in senior high school, right? The best sentence to complete the dialog is Yes, we did. Yes, we were.


Pilihan A dan D salah karena keduanya merupakan ungkapan admitting fact. Pilihan E salah karena memakai to be dating were", tidak sesuai dengan predikat yang dipakai pada pernyataan Ellen, yaitu " started". Did you take eat artinya Gina: No, not me. Dita: Oh, come on?

Who else did it? Read the following dialogue and answer the question! Tina: Why did you come to my house yesterday? Ani: Oh, I want to take my dictionary you borrowed two weeks ago.

Molly: John got accepted into a prestigious university overseas. Do you know that? Dinda : Yes, I do. He is n Read the dialogue and answer the following question! Anna: It is your first day coming to this school, isn't it? It is actually my second day.

Is that true? Saharjo No. Produk Ruangguru. Beranda Ellen: So, both of you met when you were in senior Pertanyaan Ellen: So, both of you met when you were in senior high school, right? Dita: Yes, we dating. Ellen: And, I guess artinya started dating since then.

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