Dating globes

The first step is to know dating manufacturer and the time the manufacturer was in operation. This will help narrow down the age of your globe by several centuries.

Dating, Cleaning and Decorating With Vintage Globes

See our list of globe makers dating find yours. Below is a listing of important discoveries and political names or border changes that are noted on most globes. This will help determine the age of your model. Please keep in mind that dating globes is not a perfect science as many globes, especially up to the early 20th century displayed borders based on information provided by explorers, military and other political or commercial influences.

Helpful Information

You may find models made in the same era but in different countries not showing exactly the same information on their maps. Quick checks to determine the approximate era of a Globe to follow up with a more detailed search:.

Petersburg, Russia was renamed Petrograd from Then, it was Leningrad from to Now, it is St. Petersburg again. Petersburg renamed Petrograd, thereafter Leningrad, until its original St. Petersburg was restored in Cart 0. Sign In My Globes. Globes Vintage Blog Info. Back Vintage Archives. How to date a globe. How old is globes terrestrial globe? Quick checks to determine the approximate era of a Globe to follow up with a more detailed search: Is Israel shown?

If yes, globe was made after Persia or Iran? Name changed to Iran in