The answer is not so much that you have some kind of jerk magnet attached to your forehead, but more to do with self-sabotaging feelings and beliefs you may be carrying around without realizing it. When you have the same problem in each of your relationships, you must consider that the issue may in fact be you. Relationship authors including myself bang on and on about self-confidence.
Change, baby. If you are upset about some aspect of your appearance, emotional life, job, family, or anything else, do the work to change it.
Here are five truthful reasons why you always attract jerks.
Work on building your confidence. Work on letting your past go so that you can move happily into a fresh and clean future. When you know that being single can be wonderfulyou always have a positive alternative to clinging to a miserable relationship. Your relationships take on more of a casual, happy vibe. You attract happier people. The reason is that mates can subconsciously sense that if things go pear-shaped in your relationship, you will not settle for being miserable with them.
Either you will do the work to improve the relationship or make the hard decisions. The kind of behavior you accept at the beginning of your relationship is the kind of behavior that you will continue to receive. Cultivate the jerks that your love is a prize to be won rather than something you should just dating out to anyone.
Make yourself a list of the top five things that you want in a mate and look for people who embody those qualities.
Then stick to it! Online dating in particular is a good way to screen in advance for qualities that you are looking for. Never, ever be afraid that demanding respect jerks your partner will drive them away. You deserve to be treated well. When you speak up about feeling hurt or learn more here in an honest and authentic way, either the relationship will end or they will come around.
This web page you were being treated poorly, what did you lose?
Speaking up is the first step. Do not let a relationship limp along with your significant other behaving dating, while you hope to create change using telepathy.
It’s You, You are the Problem
Address issues as they come up. If you allow yourself to be treated poorly, you will continue to be treated poorly. In a word, yes! Let jerks shower you with gifts. Let them be super nice to you. Enjoy every minute of it. There is no urgency! If the person is truly genuine and right for you, they will also want to get to know you before they make a commitment. I hope this helps you date better and let the right person for you rise to the top.
Trust your gut feelings jerks make no dating for it. Always remember that you have so much to offer. Elizabeth Stone is an author, dating coach, and personal development coach who helps women restore themselves to improve their relationships. This article was originally dating at Digital Romance Inc. Reprinted with permission from the author.
Elizabeth Stone.
Why Do Nice People Attract Jerks?
Add to Bookmarks. Do you seem to only attract and date jerks and losers? This is a pretty common complaint. YourTango Daily. Daily Horoscopes.