He begged me to let him know when I got home okay. I sat in my car for a moment, and knew I needed to vent a bit. My best friend got off work at midnight, so I asked him to meet me for a drink. While I was there, I remembered promising my date that I'd text when I got home. Considered lying, but then texted that I wasn't home, but had decided to meet a friend and was perfectly safe, thanks for your concern. Didn't think a thing about it. The next day, I received a long rant about how rude I was and that if I'd decided to go somewhere else after trailer light hookup for truck date was over, I should have contacted him and dating him know visit web page that he could come, too.
Dude who I've already told that I won't be going out with you again, nightmares have no say in what I do after our date is over.
Suddenly, my date was chatty Cathy, nightmares introduced me to my friend, though he forgot my name. He also seemed to forget my friend and I knew each other.
I suggested the three of us play a game of billiards to kill some time, and try to give the guy nightmares chance to straighten up and show some personality. My date agreed and went to see about getting a table. He dating got distracted talking to some people already playing pool. I had enough of his crap by this point and left.
Three hours later, I got a text where my date apologized for getting distracted, for taking so long to realize I had left, and asked for a second date. Hang on…are you leaving? Because I want YOU to go get them.
Now, get this. This guy HAD to walk past the utensils station, on the way to our table. Dating had to intentionally walk to the utensils station to grab a set of utensils.
Inner musings of a funny looking kid
Yes ONE set. I had lost my appetite. He says, 'She's hot for a mom, right? The 'for a mom' thing is where I finally decided he was just an ass.
Nightmare dating and bad first date stories
He then proceeds to try and have a conversation with me over the loud music playing so it's the awkward exchange of him yelling and me saying, 'What?
He suggests to me that I should leave my daughter with the babysitter overnight so that I can come back to his house and we can have a 'play date' nightmares our own. So now he's not just a jerk, he's a creepy jerk.
I said it was an awesome idea and I was going to go outside and call the babysitter. I got in my dating and left.
Never spoke to him again. Channel 9. Note: Submissions have been edited for length and clarity.