Dating silver

The metal analysis is based on a multifactorial study. It is more a test of antiquity than a real dating, even if some elements can provide chronological information. Analysis of a metal object involves three silver study of the composition of the metal major, minor, and trace elementsdetermination of the degree of corrosion deep or superficial silver, and identification of the origin of the corrosion natural or artificial. The actual dating of a metal work of art is not possible. However, through our scientific analysis, we can authenticate and provide an age see more for metal objects.

The silver approach is similar for bronze copper-tin alloybrass copper-zinc alloyand silver. The analysis of gold and iron will require a different methodology. But through our researchers and laboratory analysis, we are able silver perform authentication and relative dating of all metal artworks. CIRAM has been a leader in France and dating in the dating and analysis of works of art for over seventeen years.

The first step is to determine the chemical composition of the metal. Is it bronze copper and tin alloybrass copper and zinc alloysilver, lead? The microstructure of the metal will provide clues about the manufacturing techniques. The presence of dendrites, for example, is characteristic of an object created by a casting technique. Flattened and aligned inclusions are evidence of hammering. If the study of the concentrations of copper, tin, zinc, lead, is not sufficient to determine the age of an object, it can be very useful to establish its modernity.

Indeed, the presence of aluminum, phosphorus, chromium or manganese from 0. Of course, these elements are natural and have always been available on the planet, but their reasoned and voluntary use in the manufacture of metal alloys only dates from the end of the 19th century, and even from the beginning of the 20th century for phosphorus. The second step in the characterization of a metal object is the analysis of its degree of corrosion.

This is generally referred to as patina. We are interested in the development of corrosion processes within the alloy. A copper or silver alloy that is several hundred years old will have undergone numerous attacks from the environment humidity, temperature variations, micro-organisms…. These elements will lead to the degradation of the metal, the analysis of which can give clues as to the age or modernity of the object.

The final step in metal analysis is to determine the origin of the corrosion. It is a good thing that the metal is corroded, but it is important to know whether this alteration is of natural or artificial origin. The preferential degradation of copper-rich areas — which are the most fragile - multiple corrosion products cuprite, azurite, malachite, atacamite, nantokite, tin oxide, etc. On the other hand, if the corrosion remains very superficial and parallel to the surface of the object, if the metal is attacked in please click for source homogeneous way, if chlorine is detected in all the products of corrosion, silver will be able to establish that the deterioration is artificial and modern.

It will be a false patina. In order to authenticate a metal object, the structure must first be determined and its composition defined. This step is important both for adapting the analyses silver tests and for the study made by our scientific teams. The metals used can give some clues about the period. For example, the presence of aluminum will be a formal clue to modernity, as this metal was only discovered and used in metallurgy from the end source the 19th century.

Gold, Bronze, Brass, and other metals

Scientific dating is not possible for metal, so our researchers use alternative analytical techniques to find objective indicators to estimate the age of a work of art. The authentication of a metal object is dating with a global approach. First, we will identify the nature of the metal bronze, brass, silver…. All of these results will allow us to make a judgment on the antiquity or modernity of the metal object.

Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM is used to define the chemical composition of the metal, its nature, as well as its degree of corrosion and the origin of the corrosion thanks to high magnification images and energy dispersive microanalysis EDX.

Click the following article this analysis, our doctors and engineers collect a number of results that allow characterization of the nature of the metal, the degree of corrosion, the nature and origin of the patina. The compilation of these results will dating it possible to authenticate and obtain a relative dating of the metal object. Gold, Bronze, Brass, and other metals The actual dating of a metal work of art is not possible. Finally, it is important to specify that even if an object has been heavily cleaned and its patina has been removed, scanning electron microscopy is still possible.


Indeed, the corrosion processes penetrate the clubs durban dating in and leave clues that even a violent abrasion does not dating. Metallography, a comprehensive approach to metal "dating". WordPress Functional Consent to service wordpress. Complianz Functional Consent to service complianz. Google Tag Manager Purpose pending investigation Consent to service google-tag-manager. Miscellaneous Purpose pending investigation Consent to dating miscellaneous.