Dating someone 10 years younger than you

OMG you're dating someone 10 years older than you!

Besides that night at the bar, I can recall only two occasions when I was painfully cognizant of the age gap.

Would you date someone who is ten years younger than you if you're in your 40s?

The first was when I introduced him to younger parents: I still feel twelve years old around them, which made him seem very thirty three years old. Even big age gaps tend to become less taboo as people get older, and it certainly matters at what age the couple met. It's almost a point of pride for me, because the expectation is dating he would make more money. He was 40, filling in over the summer as an adviser and copy editor.

I was 22 and engaged to another man close to my own age.

We married a few years later click to see more had two children.

Looking back, our early relationship was inappropriate for a college adviser and student. That and I thought she might be a Link. His parents are going through some of the typical aging complications, and his father has advanced dementia. My parents are closer in age to my husband and still in pretty good health.

My father watches my kids two days per week and they are actively traveling, working on their house, participating in social events, and generally acting like people with an empty nest. Turns out that second act will be stay-at-home dad for a while. But with a kid on the way, we are very much thrust into the exact same place in our lives. That is lovely. It doesn't bother either of us and we're usually the first ones to make jokes about it.

I didn't someone. We enjoyed raising kids together, and while his age slowed him down earlier than other dads, he was more nurturing and loving with our boys when they were very young. I admit I felt like in public, people assumed I was his aunt or that we were just friends, and it bothered me a bit.

It's nice to be able to rely upon his life experience when I've not done something yet or don't know how to handle something.

A man who is almost always hard than fucking terrific. We communicate and fight in really healthy ways I think and he already knows what some of his deal breakers have been in previous serious relationships.

Does the age gap ever come up between you two in negative ways? Do you guys talk you it? The age gap at this point is mostly years, and neither of us considers it to be important, or a defining characteristic of our relationship.

Also, he wears some really dorky dad sandals. Steer clear of these common threesome pitfalls. COM Instagram. Save this story Save. How did you meet source partner? Most Popular. GQ Recommends. By Shannon Ullman. By Daniel Riley.

By Esther Zuckerman. Does it bother you guys? What do you enjoy about the age gap in your relationship? Read More. By Sophia Benoit.

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