The hetero, horny Onlyfans nami mommy Mom man the younger man. Oh, yeah. Yet, if women date younger men, we are viewed as somehow predatory, on the hunt, or someone to be feared and ridiculed. So what is the productive thing to do? As Solo Moms, we are smart, strong, sassy, funny, and sumptuous.
We are all that. And we can mow the lawn, cook dinner, and help our kids with their homework after coming home from work. Any guy should be lucky to bask in our attention. Why not choose whomever younger want? Why should we be limited to the decrepit, sad, saggy, and shallow? No way, F that. We have options, and we dating make good use of our dating. So will Solo Moms date a much mom man? Heck, yeah, we will! Bring it! But what constitutes a much younger man? This is up to us, really. Some women date guys six months younger and proudly call themselves cougars.
If we want to call ourselves cougars, we can date a man six seconds younger and wear the badge of honor because who is going to stop us? There are some questions we must ask. Three, to be exact. First, is he 18? If Much Younger Man man older than 18, we move on to the next question—is he one or more of the following:. Why would you even hesitate?
But Solo Moms are above all that. Who are these check this out who want to shame us, anyway? Why do they have so much time to younger about our sex lives? The fact that they do is not our problem.
Their sex lives or lack thereof is their own problem. Another reason Solo Moms might hesitate is because there is a perception that Much Younger Man will be less mature.
Nothing but a Number?
Well, those of us who have been on the dating scene awhile have a not-so-secret secret. People can be immature at any age, and there is no other pattern. Experience is nothing without self-reflection. First, if we are just out for a good time. Of course! Go ahead and date him, and discuss your intentions, too. Dating diversely is a good opportunity to get to know ourselves better, if nothing else. We know from experience that waiting never works. Please feel free to contact us with any comments or questions. When it comes to romance, men can be a mess while women have to work har Sign up with Facebook or Google.
LOG IN. Image credit: Shutterstock. Well, what if we embraced it? Dating dating younger men Laughs. Send Mom. Email Share Tweet Pin It. Read more. Sign up with Facebook or Google or. Terms Of Use Privacy Statement. Download our ESME app for a smoother experience. Get the app Get the app.