Samoan dating culture

Breaking the Silence: The Dark Truth About Samoan Culture

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Our guest blogger today is a Samoan writer from New Zealand. Her name is Lailoa. Make sure to read her poetry, reviews and blogs. There is no actual word for boyfriend in the Samoan language.

Polynesian Men, White Girls, Dating… OH MY!

Samoan happens but no one really talks about it. Unlike all the American teens in the movies who click to see more having their date come over to the house and all lol. From what is portrayed in the media, mainly American movies teen series and rom-comsdating numerous people at a time is completely normal.

But in reality, the amount of negative backlash you would get for doing this would be outrageous, not to mention all the foul Samoan words that would be used to describe you. Our culture is a conservative one, so its not common or seen in a positive light if you are seeing multiple guys at a time.

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Growing up in places such as Australia, New Zealand and America has changed the dating game for culture. Meeting someone is not as easy with all these new labels and somehow lack of labels and rules, so how things worked in the past for the elders and our "culture" no longer apply to us.

Traditions have changed with the times and the environment we dating live in. Let's not see anyone else now haha. Hanging out — We flirt, probably attraction chemistry more than anything. Hooking up — We have a casual intimate relationship you know what it means. All of it lol.

What Has Been Said

If you liked reading this blog you may want to watch this video about Samoan love in the novel Scarlet Lies. Samoan Owned Business. Log dating or Samoan account. Cart 0. Menu Cart 0. Why is this???

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