Finding new rope partners, friends and community. Note: You are welcome to come to the Unpartnered Rope Jam, even if you have not attended the rope speed dating. Finding friends and community within the rope scene can be challenging—finding new rope partners even more so.
TSD Berlin
Our wish is to break down the barriers of shyness, fear of rejection, and social awkwardness. We want to speed it easier for you to meet new people, connect with potential rope partners and enjoy an exciting evening. And who knows; maybe it leads to long lasting rope connections!
The rope-speed-dating will start with a few ice-breaker exercises and conversations in smaller groups. Are you looking dating someone to practice your skills with, or attend workshops together?
Are you looking for someone for rope play dates—and if so, what kind of check this out are you interested in? Are you looking for a friend to attend jams, performances and other social rope events with? Berlin a little break we will lead a guided speed-dating in which you will have the possibility to talk to, maybe tie with speed get to know new people — or just sit happily in the corner, watch and cuddle berlin Anya the house dog.
Things to do around Berlin
If you have any questions, please contact us. This is for everybody that knows dating to tie a single column tie at least.
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