Dating inits nyt

The theme was initially nyt for a 15x15 inits puzzle, but it didn't quite pan out — through "trial and error and a little bit of luck," he was able to rework it into a Sunday. His favorite clue is Down, a fact he heard a few years back and stored away in the hopes of one day dating in a puzzle. After too many rejections to count, I am finally making my NY Times debut though I have had puzzles published elsewhere. They kept a lot of my original clues, which I was happy about.

I'm jazzed that they kept my hockey and shuffleboard clues intact as well as my trivia about the cost of the NYC marathon and the Schwarzenegger-Pratt connection. Other crosswords with exactly 77 blocks, words, open squares, and an average word length of 5. In this view, unusual answers are colored nyt on how often they have appeared in other puzzles.

Unique answers are in red, red overwrites orange which overwrites yellow, etc. Freshness Factor is a calculation that compares the number of times words in this puzzle have appeared in other Modern Era puzzles. Click here for an explanation. The chart below shows how many times each word has been used across all Click at this page puzzles, old and modern including Variety.

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Crossword Clue: DATING INITS.

Please share this page on social media to help spread the word about XWord Info. This web browser is not supported. Use Chrome, Edge, Safari, or Firefox for best results. Potato battery or model volcano, e. Zachary Schiff. This is the debut puzzle inits Mr. Joel Fagliano notes:. Zachary Schiff is a writer living in New York City. This is his first crossword for The Times. The theme was initially planned for a 15x15 weekday puzzle, but it didn't quite pan out — Fee, in dollars, to run the inaugural N.

Answer summary: 8 unique to this puzzle.

This puzzle:

The grid uses 25 of 26 letters, missing Q. It has normal rotational symmetry. Dating word length: 5. Puzzle has 10 fill-in-the-blank clues and 2 cross-reference clues. Duplicate clues: Early pyramid builders This puzzle has 8 unique answer words. Freshness score: Previous puzzle Next puzzle.