Changer la langue. Voir version ordi. Installer Steam. Page du magasin. War Thunder Page du magasin. In the War Thunder wiki about the matchmaking, it clearly states war if you have a lineup of 1 High BR vehicle thunder as 5.
I even take off my 5. Will this ever be fixed or will this continue to be a major problem that will end up causing the game to war This is an issue in both Planes and Tanks battles. If your highest BR vehicle is matchmaking. You clearly do not understand how it works. Spaddobird Afficher le profil Voir les messages. MM works off your highest BR vehicle, you will get into games with other vehicles between 1. Schnittertm Afficher le profil Voir les messages. Vriz Afficher le profil Voir les messages. Let's just agree to disagree and say that the matchmaking is confusing for eveyone and they should just remake it to where it will be fair for everyone so that way their will be more active players instead of a max of 50k a day.
Meaning a complete overhaul of the matchmaking tree and having players of the same rank with the BR range to be on equal matchmaking instead of having jets at lower rank games causing a severe unbalance. I also even did the math on my lineup and the average is 4. Div Afficher le profil Voir les messages.
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Div ; 19 avr. There are other factors that would, to me, be much more important to consider for their BR system. This web page or tier or however you want to call it don't need to be a factor if the plane or tank can still be on a somewhat even footing.
That is what the BR system should be for.
What it dating agency com over 40 take into account is stock vehicles versus partially upgraded vehicles versus fully upgraded vehicles. Thunder alone can make a huge difference.
Stock planes and tanks are slower, less agile, less durable, less accurate and have, most of the time, less powerful ammunition available to them. This can hugely influence the performance in the game and with all of them, until certain modificaitons are researched and installed, the BR for most vehicles could be lowered, only reaching full potential and BR rating once everything is unlocked. I certainly do have trouble hitting other tanks at longer ranges with the stock guns, as the shell deviation is atrocious in most tanks in stock configuration.
Only after the gun laying upgrades have been researched are the shells accurate enough for consistent long range fire. Before that you can only pray to RNGesus. It isn't that bad in the lower tiers, where accurate fire isn't as needed and a hit on the war often still means a kill, but in higher tiers, espicially tier 5, where you are at a serious disadvantage for quite some time, due to the high RP cost for modifications, it war be quite frustrating until you unlocked some of the really important modifications.
Anyway, no matter what, Matchmaking have yet to see a perfect matchmaking system. In every game that has any kind of matchmaking system you'll have people complaining about this or that not working. The problem is, with the introduction of more and more vehicles, with more and more different capabilities, balancing anything becomes harder with each new vehicles, especially if you try to use some of the real world performances of the vehicles as Gaijin does. The perfect matchmaking, at least were vehicles capabilities are concerned, could only be achieved in a game where every player has the exact same vehicle.
In the end, if anyone really has an idea on how to create the perfect matchmaking for a game with a broad playerbase with thunder levels of skill and a matchmaking diverse cast of vehicles with differing capabilities, I'd certainly like to thunder it. Chaoslink Afficher le profil Voir les messages. People put too much emphasis on BR The only time this might be off As I have no experience with this is BR 6.
ShadZep Afficher le profil Voir les messages. Matchmaking isnt following its own rule? You must either be high or 6 years old because im sure programs cant make decisions to follow rules or not. Data-7 Afficher le profil Voir les messages. Got Baking Soda? Something completely different Afficher le profil Voir les messages.
Matchmaking works as intended. I you lose to whatever-youcall-em that's not matchmaking fault. That means should spend less time complaining click to see more more time playing.
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