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He Was Flabbergasted

The dating time I dated a non-monogamous man was in That lasted a year and a half until I met someone site and transitioned into a more traditional, monogamous relationship that lasted five years. Contrary to what some people assume about non-monogamyit's not just about sex. I've found that open relationships only work if they're based man complete trust, honesty, and great communication.

Those are all key qualities I want in a partner. So, when I recently opted dating give dating apps another tryI decided to actively look out for "non-monogamy" when scrolling through online dating profiles. They've been easy to find, as two years ago, Hinge — the app I'm trying out this time around — added a feature that allows users to designate their "relationship type" on their profile. The choices include "monogamous," "non-monogamous," or "figuring out my relationship type. Men who state their preferred relationship type as non-monogamous probably drive away a lot of women, but I see it as brave and uncompromising that they choose to write it anyway.

Basically, they don't just tell you what they think you want to hear. When I see "non-monogamy," as long as the profile has their actual photo and they're not hiding behind anything, I'm confident I'm going to meet someone who's transparent. For the ones with partners, I've found that not only is she aware he's on dating appsbut she's usually dating around as well. I'm not interested in profiles that list multiple options.

Reading between the lines, to me, it just means: "I'm playing the field, so don't hold me to anything. One such man, who'd been divorced for more than 10 years, asked me what my dating life had man like in the five years I'd been single. I replied truthfully that I'd rekindled a few old relationships and explored some long-standing friendships.

His response was: "How will it work with all of these men around? Someone who selects only "non-monogamy" has usually made some very well-thought-out and difficult choices about how they want to live their life. It takes guts to be transparent and honest about that despite it narrowing the dating pool significantly. I've found these men to be open about their feelings and intentions across the board. They know that trust isn't limited to sexual fidelity; it's about making someone feel secure, airing problems before they blow up, and following up words one actions.

They're also good at communicating plans, which I've dating rare in the dating world, where I often don't know when or if a guy wants to see me again.

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With my partner inwe'd plan our next dating at the end of every date. I always felt valued and secure. Man multiple people means having to be really good at time management, site concrete plans are important. But I see it as more than just being on top of their diary; it feels as if non-monogamous men I've dated place a high value on relationships.

They've learned that you can't let things go stale or silent if you want to share something special. That's right, I said hermaphrodite site, not unique, which isn't at all the one thing.

I've found that non-monogamous men have an abundance mindset when it comes to sex, not a scarcity mindset. They don't need to hoard it, chase it, or pressure it. For monogamous men, you're the only one who can supply what they one unless they cheat, so there's site chance of scarcity and, therefore, pressure.

During the evening, I told them both that, in the past five years, my average length of time before sleeping with a guy had been 12 years. His overall air was somewhat offended. He disappeared quickly. The conversation then naturally moved on to other topics — no big deal. The second time we met up, I asked him about his reaction.

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A third date is on the cards. So far, I've never actually been in an open relationship farmers dating sites, I've man dated men who were non-monogamous while I've been single. But they've certainly taught me to expect much more than just bringing monogamy to a relationship.

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This story is available exclusively to Business Insider subscribers. Become an Insider one start reading now. Have an account? Log in. Nicola Prentis sees a green flag when a guy's online dating profile lists him as non-monogamous. She finds these men to be honest and great at communication. Prentis has found dating non-monogamous men raises the bar for what relationships should be like. Read preview. Thanks for signing up! Go to newsletter preferences.

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