Started by BarbellaJanuary 3. Posted January 3 edited. I've been dating my bf for 3 years and I honestly man everything about him and our relationship except that he's being too cheap with me.
He's 26, living with his parents after college man is helping them with their business, but he used to have a job and has a lot of money in his savings. I'm 24, moved back with my parents after I graduated college last year and I'm working on my business and being independent. He even used to take money from me for gas on vacations or one time on our vacation he wanted to go to a fancy restaurant, he chose the continue reading and I paid for everything.
After that I told him dating I felt about it and that I'm not happy in our relationship when he counts every cheap and isn't generous about my situation. He told me he understands and that he doesn't mind paying more. We rarely ever go out as we're both introverts and prefer to have dates at home, but I can still see his cheapness in some situations.
For example when I was at his house, I saw he has some chocolate and I asked him if I can have it, and he told me dating because it's too expensive and that I can have cheaper one. I was honestly so hurt by that. Or one time I was feeling bad and he came to my house to cheer me seafood hookup, and he came with one dessert literally pancakes for one person and told me how he got me that to cheer me up but he wants to eat it too so we shared it.
Or we rarely go to the cinema like twice a year and when we decided to go one time he told me ''I'll buy us some snacks at the supermarket and you get the tickets''. I'd say this behavior is mostly seen when it comes to giving and money, however sometimes I cheap wish he acted more like a gentleman in other situations.
For example he criticizes me that I don't know how to carry my skis he wouldn't think of helping mecallmecupcakes onlyfans one time we were at the gym together and I was putting some heavy weights on a barbell, and he asked me if I needed help and I said no, and one guy heard our conversation and came up to me and helped me without saying anything.
I've realized we have this incompatibility and I don't know what to do about it. It's such a turnoff for me. I love him, but I realized that I "man" want to be click the following article a relationship with a guy that acts more generous and more like a gentleman.
Helping me, not minding paying. I cheap that it's really important for me to feel protected in that way. However, I really don't want a guy to splurge on me and I'm generally not attracted to expensive luxury items I'm more stage green than orange. I don't know what to do as I really love him and think he's a great guy, but when I think of a future with him it scares me.
Posted January 3. I know few people like that and from what I've seen, they never change no matter how much their financial situation improves. One of these guys was recently complaining how he had to pay most of the money to cover his fathers funeral and I was shocked that he used this situation and click in into a talk about money.
So I think there is a deeper problem, he might have developed some trauma from the times when he had dating money so now he's too careful about it and almost insecure. Try to bring this idea to him and see if he's open to the possibility that this might be the case or even therapy to work on this issue. Generosity is a really masculine trait so I understand why you would get turned off by that, so give it some more time and in the meanwhile work on yourself to figure cheap if this would be a dealbreaker for you.
First, you have to understand his POV. If someone is that cheap it's probably for good reason. He probably has trauma around money in his past. Or he's being very cheap to save that money for some important higher goal, like starting a business or taking care of his parents.
So it's good to ask him where his cheapness comes from and what positive function it serves in his mind. Try to understand the deep psychological reasons why he's cheap by talking about it with him. Second, in order to get him to change, you have to get him to see how being cheap can be positive but also negative when taken too far.
He needs to see how cheapness backfires on him. Specific examples are necessary here.
They avoid going out to eat
For example, cheapness could cost him his girlfriend. Cheapness can actually cost him more man in the long-term. Cheapness could strain his relationships. Cheapness could ruin his reputation. If he truly becomes aware of this, then he will be motivated to change his behavior. Thirdly, it's important for a man especially to see that part of what it means to be a good man is to be generous with your resources.
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A good man is generous and not too fearful about resources because he is confident he can earn more. So actually, cheapness detracts from being a strong man. This is a deep point which he is missing. If he can see this, he will start to change. Something a man should aspire to is to become so abundant in resources that he never again has to worry about sharing them freely with loved ones.
You can discuss all these things with him and see his reactions. If he has a lot of trauma around money he might be stubborn about seeing these deeper points I made, and he might need some years to see the light and start making corrections. The key thing for him to understand on this point is that it's not about money, it's about generosity. Generosity is worth more than money. The bottom line is that your BF is not conscious of all these subtle points, thus his cheapness continues. I have a similar problem but for different aspect.
There is a deep psychological reason for that. I had grandparents who both told me that what I do is wrong and after failing them in some small things they basically bullied me. Due to this I have some sense of uncertainty and I just don't want to fail, therefore I will do everything in my power to make sure I don't, hence why this reason. Even if everything is going great, I expect the worst usually. This is not healthy, as well as for your bf.
It's very similar pattern. I understand him very well. I saw he has some chocolate and I asked cheap if I can have it, and he told me no because it's too expensive and that I can have cheaper one.
20 Telltale Signs Your Partner is a Cheapskate
Why should he change. You're accepting it. You've not spoken up about it dating so he doesn't see any reason to be any different. It's the same kind of concept as "if it's not broke don't fix it". You're sending him a message and he is delivering. Not saying your message made him the way he is, but the man is I love you no matter what.
The problem is, I believe, and please don't take this the wrong way and i also could be wrong as I'm not an expert in this fieldyou don't value yourself.
You don't think you're worthy of these things that you want or feel worthy. You think you do, but you don't. Another thing could be you don't want to come off as needy, bhadbhabie onlyfans like to be and feel independent.
In relationships and sexual partners, though, all that masculine energy flies out the window. In women, it doesn't excellent, rose harrt onlyfans apologise this kind of dynamic in a close, intimate and sexual relationship.
It energy wants to feel protected and provided for; it wants to be on the receiving end which is the opposite for masculine energy, that wants to be on the giving end, hence sexual intercourse and it's design. The man gives, the woman receives. He is fearful of something, maybe fear of losing money or being broke, don't know his history and your fear is losing him. That's what's keeping you together, it's a match, but it's not healthy.
That's why you're here. You don't feel loved. He loves you, but he also loves what he fears. What he's attached to. It's energetic. I'm not sure how to solve this problem as I've never been in this situation. I've only done these kinds of things in platonic relationships, not intimate or sexual. I never even had to ask or try to change this aspect in any of them, it just came naturally, maybe I just don't attract those types, idk. My problems with men are usually insecurity issues where they don't feel good enough, especially the ones in the past who didn't have much but I wanted to be with anyway for whatever reasons.
Men usually feel like they never have enough even if you try to assure them that they are enough, but that's just their competitive nature. I would suggest you slowly hint at it. Honey, could you bring some chocolate source both us, but I love chocolate so much I could eat the whole bar so get one for you too.
Sweetheart, this bag is heavy could you carry it for me as I need my strength for us tonight, or baby, I would love to see this movie, can we go and conveniently leave cheap money or cards at home. Train him.
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Get him used to being this way. Make him see where it serves him to be more generous towards you and he will appreciate you more. Hope this helps. Dating not an expert, but sometimes one thing somebody says dating be enough to make a difference. What the Haha, girl man you really love him then do help him. He needs to get rid of that, I am a male and that would be even a turn-off for me.